When you start UED2 you get a screen that is devided into four work areas.
Each is a different view.
The bottom left is the 3D view, top left is from above. The two right windows is
from the front and the side.
The entire world is at this point filled with mass.
(More info on this subject and what each button do is explained in other
sections of this UED2 guide.)
To create a simple DM level we need some space for our players to run around inside.
So lets start with the first room.
To do this we need to create a builder tool first.
Click the right mouse button on the "cube builder" button.

A window "cube builder" properties will come up and let you adjust the size and parameters
of the builder.
Enter height 256, width 512 and breadth 512 (as shown on picture below).

When this is done press the "build" button and a large red square should appear in all
windows, right? Someting like this...

(Press the close button to close the builder properties window.)
We have not yet created a room in this world.
The red cube is only a builder tool. It may be shapes in any way, it still
does not affect the level itself.
(See info about builders for more details).
Now, lets create this room. To do so we need a texture to add to the walls.
To bring up the texture window either select "view" and "texture browser..." or press
this button.

A new window comes up with some textures showing. We want to load others.
Select "file" and "Open..."
Load the "ancient.utx" file and some new textures will show in the texture browser.
Right now it is showing the "Arch" group. Select "Floor" and then click the texture
named "FLOOR1".

When "FLOOR1" is selected you may close the texture browser window. The texture will still be
selected if you wondered.
Now comes the creating itself. Press the "subtract" button
to remove mass equal to the builder
cube we created.
Afterwards you will see that a room (equal in size as the builder cube) with our selected
texture has been created.

Now we want to change the texture on the walls. To do so, bring up the texture browser
again and select the "Deco" group and click the texture named "A_hd".

Close the texture browser again.
Press the right mouse button on one of the walls and select "applay texture".
Repeat this for all the four walls.
(To move about in the 3D view you hold one or both of the mouse buttons.
The left to move horizontal and the right to change direction in 360 degree angle.
Both mouse buttons to move vertical.)

We also want to change to roof texture.
Open the texture browser and select group "Deco" and texture "DCRL".

Close the browser.
Apply the texture to the roof with the same procedure as above.

Now we have created a simple room. Now we need some light.
Press the right mouse button somewhere in the room and select "Add Light Here".
To actually play the level we need a player starting point.
Open the "Actor class browser" window by either selecting "View" and "Actor class browser..."
or pressing the "actor class browser" button.

Expand the "NavigationPoint" and select "PlayerStart".

Place this somewhere by pressing the right mouse button on the floor and select "Add PlayerStart here".
A joystick should appear.
When all this is done only one thing remain.
That is to "build" the level. Select "build" from the menu and select "build options..."
Do nothing and press the build button.
When the progress bar is gone press the hide button.
Save the level and try it in UT.