UED2 Tutorial - Light, open flame |
Create a room (256x256x256) and subtract it.

Create a small structure 64 height and 32x32.
Place this in the center of the floor and add it to the world.

To add the flame itself we need to use the sheet builder.
Create a sheet with the 64 height and 32 width and place it on top
of the middle structure.
Load the "GreateFire.utx" texture set and select "ancflame2".
Add the sheet using "Add special brush".
Select Regular Brush as Prefab and then check Masked, Transparent and 2-sided.
(If you are unlucky your brush will be upside down or sideways. If so, use the
surface properties to rotate it correct and maybe pan it a bit.)
In the surface properties check the flag "Unlit".
Now you select the newly created brush (in one of the 2D views) and
then select "Polygons" and "To brush".
Rotate this new brush 90 degree and add it the same way you added the first.
(If you have >v4.32 of UT installed you are able to do this sheet-building a bit easier.
Create a "volumetric" brush with the properties 64x16 and "NumSheets" 2.
Select the correct flame texture, place the brush ontop of the middle construction
and press the "Add special brush" button.
Select Regular Brush as Prefab and then check Masked, Transparent and 2-sided.
In the surface properties check the flag "Unlit".)

Add a light (press the right mouse button and select "Add light here") in the middle of the

Open the properties for the light and adjust the following values.
LightColor, LightBrightness: 128
Lighting, LightRadius: 32
Lighting, LightEffect: LE_TorchWaver
When that is done simply rebuild the lightning and enjoy.
