UED2 Tutorial - Light sources |
Light in UT comes from light sources.
To add a light source just press right mouse button and
select "Add Light Here".
You will see a torch looking like this added to your design;

The easiest way to add a light is in the 3D view and then use
the 2D view to move the light around.
Lights (like all stuff in UT) use processing time in-game.
Using lights effective will keep frame rate at best.
Alot of light related info can also be found in my texture/wall
Light properties is explained in the tables below.
Property |
Specific |
+Advanced |
bDirectional |
Make the light directional (used with spotlights). |
+Display |
DrawScale |
Affects light actor size in editor and size of lensflare. |
Skin |
The texture used for a lens flare and TexturePaletteOnce/Loop effect. |
+LightColor |
LightBrightness |
How bright the light should be from source and outwards. |
LightHue |
Light color (also affected by LightSaturation) |
LightSaturation |
Light color (also affected by LightHue) |
+Lighting |
bActorShadows |
Creates shadows (bShadowCast). |
bCorona |
Adds lensflare to the light (needs texture, Skin). |
bLensFlare |
Not used by UT. |
bSpecialLit |
Light only affect walls and items with the Special Lit true. |
LightCone |
Size of specific lights, like spotlights. |
LightEffect |
Select how the light is supposed to act (Further down for specs.). |
LightPeriod |
Speed of selected LightType and/or LightEffect. |
LightPhase |
Start of light animation cycle. |
LightRadius |
Radius affected by the light and lens flare. |
LightType |
What kind of light (Further down for specs.). |
VolumeBright |
Brightness of volumetric light (fog). |
VolumeFog |
Thinkness of columetric light (fog). |
VolumeRadius |
Radius of volumetric light (fog). |
Light Effect |
Specific |
TorchWaver |
Makes the light shimmer a little. |
FireWaver |
As the TorchWaver but more "drastic". |
WateryShimmer |
Also like the TorchWaver but more wave and glimmer feel. |
SearchLight |
A rotating spotlight (Adjust speed with LightPeriod). |
SlowWave |
A wave that starts from the middle and flows out. |
FastWave |
As SlowWave but at a faster rate. |
Shock |
A small pulsating light, fast up and slowly down. |
Disco |
What can I say, weird looking disco light. |
Spotlight |
Simply a spotlight (set bDirectional). |
NonIncidence |
Makes the light stronger and reduce the amount of shadow. |
Shell |
Only lights the actuall lightradius (a hollow sphear). |
OmniBumpMap |
This a light that only light up actors(players) and not the geometry. |
Interference |
Light waves that goes from bottom to the top. |
Cylinder |
Creates a light cylinder instead of a standard sphere. |
Rotor |
Like Interference but moves sideways instead, like a fan. |
Light Type |
Specific |
None |
Turns the light off. |
Steady |
The light "strength" is constant (Default). |
Pulse |
A "heavily" pulsating light. |
Blink |
Randomly turns light off for a split second. |
Flicker |
Randomly turns light on/off at random intervals. |
Strobe |
Fast switching between light on and off. |
SubtlePulse |
As Pulse but less "deep". |
TexturePaletteOnce |
Will cycle through the texture palette selected for "Skin", once. |
TexturePaletteLoop |
As TexturePaletteOnce but loops (Adjust speed with LightPeriod). |
Changing the color:
When you select either LightHue or LightSaturation a button "color" will show.
Press this button and select a color you want.
This will be the color your light radiate.
Adding a Lens Flare (Corona):
To do this you need to set "bCorona" under "Lighting" true.
You also need to add a texture to "Skin" under "Display".
"DrawScale" under "Display" adjusts the size of the lens flare (0.2-0.5).
Just note that you are not able to see coronas outside the light radius.
LightPeriod and LightPhase:
LightPeriod sets the speed of animated lights, like searchlights and so on.
LightPhase however change the frame which your animated light should start
It can be used to sync two lights with the same light effect,
or the light with a mover to make sure both objects move/animate the same.
(A rotor mover and a light with the rotor light effect).
To do this you need to set "bShadowCast" under "Display" true for the item.
Also set "bActorShadows" under "Lighting" true for the light to create the shadow.
(Almost certain this do not work).
Creating a spotlight:
The spotlight is directional so you need to set this property.
It is found under "Advanced" and "bDirectional"
Then change the "LightEffect" under "Lighting" to "Spotlight".
You might want to adjust the direction your light is pointing though.
If the "DrawScale" property is not used for a lens flare you should
use it to make your editing easier.
In large outdoor areas you might want to use a draw scale of 5.0.
In small areas with lots of light sources 0.5 is maybe small enough.
TexturePalette Loop and Once:
This is a light type that cycles through the light color using a texture.
Any texture will work, but alot of palette and fading textures can be found
in "palettes.utx" and "genfx.utx".
The texture must be added to the propery "Skin" under "Display" for the light.
LightPeriod will then adjust the speed to the color cycle.
Alternative lightsources:
Anything that has the properties "+Lightcolor" and "+Lighting" can
radiate light.
You need to change "LightType" from "LT_None" and add values to
"LightBrightness" and "LightRadius".
Just change the light properties to suit your need.
(Not sure that exactly everything can radiate light though).
Default light levels (zonelight):
You can use zoneinfo actors inside zones, or level properties if
you do not use zones, to give areas or the entire level a default
lighting. (Particulary good for out door areas).
Under "ZoneLight" you can adjust "AmbientBrightness", "AmbientHue" and
"AmbientSaturation" to adjust the default lighting, much like a normal
Soundeffects and light effects:
If you add ambient sound to a lightsource it will be heard as long
as the light is on.
If the light is "LE_Steady" you can hear the sound all the time
while lights with other effects like "LE_Flicker" will turn on/off the
sound along with the light effect.
This allow you to create more realistic and syncronized lights and sounds.
Triggerable lights:
In the actor browser, under "Light" you have "TriggerLight".
(Two actually, but both are the same).
They work exactly like regular lights with one slight differance.
Regular light cannot be triggered while these can.
TriggerLight |
Specific |
bDelayFullOn |
If true, the light will wait "ChangeTime" before changing state. |
bInitiallyOn |
If the light should be on or off. |
ChangeTime |
Time in seconds to change/fade from on to off (or off to on). |
RemainOnTime |
It is connected with "TriggerPound" but I didn't get it to work. |
The "InitalState" of the light determine how the trigger should affect the light.
InitalState |
Specific |
None |
Useless as the light will not be affected by trigger. |
TriggerPound |
Don't know if work |
TriggerControl |
Light will stay on/off as long as player is in trigger radius. |
TriggerToggle |
Turns off the light if it is on, and on if it is off. |
TriggerTurnsOff |
Deactivates the light (nothing happens if light is off). |
TriggerTurnsOn |
Activates the light (nothing happens if light is on). |
Volumetric Light (fog):
To create fog you use lights.
The three properties "VolumeBrightness", "VolumeFog" and "VolumeRadius" set the brightness,
depth and size of the fog.
VolumeRadius is the covered sphear of the fog while VolumeBrightness and VolumeFog
both set the density.
Other light types and decoration:
In the actor browser you will find lots of lights and light decoration.
Most actors under "Light" is just regular lights with pre-defined properties.
"TorchFlame" is a ready to use lightsource unless you want to create your own
Under "Decoration" you will find actors that can aid your level theme.
This includes "LightBox", "LightCone", "TubeLight" and so on.