Window views:
When you first start UED2 four windows display everything
you create.
The top left is from above, the top right is from the front.
Bottom right is from the side and the one to the left is 3D view.
New, Open, Save:

Start a new map from scratch, open a saved map and save the current map.
Undo, Redo:

Undo or redo your last actions.
You may undo or redo more than one action but I don't know how many.
Camera mode:

This is the default mode and you will only move selected object.
(All mode buttons are associated with the CTRL. Read the Object handler tutorial.)
Vertex editing:

While active you can highlight a vertex by pressing the Right mouse button on it.
Then simply move it (by holding ctrl and the left mouse button).
(You are actually able to do this any whay, but using the ALT instead).
Scale mode:

You will now resize selected object using the CTRL button.
(All mode buttons are associated with the CTRL. Read the Object handler tutorial.)
Rotate mode:

Rotate selected object instead of moving it, using the CTRL button.
(All mode buttons are associated with the CTRL. Read the Object handler tutorial.)
Texture pan:

This mode is a bit different. When you hold the CTRL button after selected a surface
you pan the texture. Left mouse button for horizontal and right mouse button for vertical.
(May also be done using the properties of a texture).
(All mode buttons are associated with the CTRL. Read the Object handler tutorial.)
Texture rotate:

Rotate a selected texture while holding the CTRL and Left mouse button.
(All mode buttons are associated with the CTRL. Read the Object handler tutorial.)
Change camera speed:

This will change the speed you move around in each of the views.

Adds mass to the world (equal to the size and shape of your brush/builder tool).

Removes mass from the world (equal to the size and shape of your brush/builder tool).

This is used to remove parts of the brush that exist in open area.
Best used to align brushes to make sure they don't overlap each other.

Works the same way as Intersect but remove parts of the brush that overlap into filled areas.
Best used to align brushes to make sure they don't overlap each other.
Add special brush:

Used to add type specific brushes like invisible collision hulls, zone portals and more.
Add mover brush:

Will create a moving brush, which can be used to create doors, elevators and so on.
Show selected actors only:

Will hide all other actors except the ones you have selected/highlighted.
Hide selected actors:

Hides all currently selected/highlighted actors.
Show all actors:

This resets any hide/show actors and shows everything again.
Invert selection:

Deselects your currently selected actors and selects everything else.
Clip selected brushes:

Don't know how this works.
Split selected brushes:

Don't know how this works.
Flip clipping:

Don't know how this works.
Delete clipping markers:

Don't know how this works.
Cube brush:

Create a brush shaped as a cube with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the cube.
Width: Y axis size of the cube.
Breadth: X axis size of the cube.
WallThinkness: Differance between inner and outer edges if hollow=True.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Hollow: Brush will have an inner room, size is [brushsize]-WallThinkness.
Tessellated: Create a more vertex edit friendly brush (excludes Hollow).
Sheet brush:

Create a brush shaped as a sheet with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the sheet (Axis=horizontal).
Width: Y axis size of the sheet (Axis=Horizontal).
Axis: Direction of sheet, Horizontal, X-Axis or Y-Axis.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Cylinder brush:

Create a brush shaped as a cylinder with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the cylinder.
OuterRadius: X and Y axis circle size (diameter=radiusx2).
InnerRadius: X and Y axis circle size if hollow=True.
Sides: Amount of faces to the cylinder.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
AlignToSide: If radius should apply to point or flat side.
Hollow: Creates a tube (InnerRadius < OuterRadius).
Cone brush:

Create a brush shaped as a cone with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the cone.
OuterRadius: X and Y axis circle size (diameter=radiusx2).
InnerRadius: X and Y axis circle size if hollow=True.
Sides: Amount of faces to the cylinder.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
AlignToSide: If radius should apply to point or flat side.
Hollow: Creates a carved cone (InnerRadius < OuterRadius).
Sphere brush:

Create a brush sphere as a sheet with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Radius: Size of sphere (diameter=radiusx2).
SphereExtrapolation: Complexity of sphere.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Curved stair brush:

Create a brush shaped as a curved staircase with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
InnerRadius: Distance from center point to inner side of stairs.
StepHeight: Z axis distance between steps (total height = NumSteps * StepHeight).
StepWidth: Circular width of steps (OuterRadius = InnerRadius + StepWidth).
AngleOfCurve: Total stairs length (90 = 1/4 circle)
NumSteps: Total amount of steps (in AngleOfCurve).
AddToFirstStep: Extra height added to first step (StepHeight + AddToFirstStep).
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
CounterClockwise: Base direction of stair.
Spiral stair brush:

Create a brush shaped as a spiral staircase with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
InnerRadius: Distance from center point to inner side of stairs.
StepWidth: Circular width of steps (OuterRadius = InnerRadius + StepWidth).
StepHeight: Z axis distance between steps.
StepThinkness: Base size of step.
NumStepsPer360: Amount of steps to complete a circle.
NumSteps: Total amount of steps.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
SlopedCeiling: If underside should slope upwards or not.
SlopedFloor: If floor should slope downwards or not (creates spiral ramp/slope).
CounterClockwise: Base direction of stair.
Linear stair brush:

Create a brush shaped as a linear staircase with the given properties.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
StepLength: X axis size of steps (total length = NumSteps * StepLenght).
StepHeight: Z axis distance between steps (total height = NumSteps * StepHeight).
StepWidth: Y axis size of steps.
NumSteps: Total amount of steps.
AddToFirstStep: Extra height added to first step (StepHeight + AddToFirstStep).
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Terrain brush:

Used to create outdoor enviroment. Using this instead of manually doing it will
reduce BSP cuts.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the cube.
Width: Y axis size of the cube.
Breadth: X axis size of the cube.
WidthSegments: Amount of 'detail' in the X axis.
DepthSegments: Amount of 'detail' in the Y axis.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Volumetric brush:

Multiple sheet builder (volumetric). Used to create flames, chains etc.
(Right mouse button to enter these values).
Height: Z axis size of the sheets.
Radius: X and Y Size of sheets (diameter=radiusx2).
NumSheets: Amount of sheets.
GroupName: Used if you want to group brushes.
Search for actor:

Will show you a complete list of all actors and the possibility to filter out.
Texture browser:

Opens a window to show available textures.
Actor browser:

Opens a window to show available actors.
Sound browser:

Opens a window to show available sound effects.
Music browser:

Opens a window to show available songs.
2D shape editor, Mesh viewer, Script editor:

The first button is the 2D shape editor.
Use this to create shapes that you are unable to use predefined brushes tools for.
The second button is a mesh viewer. It will show you how a mesh looks and is animated.
Third button is the script editor. Change allready existing or create new.
Actor and Surface properties:

The buttons will open the properties window for either actor or surface.
Build Geo, Light, Path and Options:

The first button will rebuild the geometry but not add lightning.
The second button will add correct lighting to your design.
Third button will simply rebuild the AI paths.
Fourth button opens the rebuild options window.
Play map:

Press this button to test play your map.
Realtime view:

Turns on/off realtime update. (Can be resource demanding).
View Top, Front, Side:

Changes your window view to 2D. Either top, front or side.
View Perspective:

Changes your window view to 3D and wireframe mode.
View Texture usage:

Changes your window view to 3D and texture usage. Each texture will have it's own color.
View BSP:

Changes your window view to 3D and to BSP cuts.
View Textured:

Changes your window view to 3D but without lightning added.
View Dynamic light:

Changes your window view to 3D and as the level will look.
View Zone/Portal:

Changes your window view to 3D and how your design is zoned.
(Also show BSP cuts).
ViewPort options:
By pressing right mouse button on the top bar in each window you may select different
view options.
It will only affect the window you selected it for.
Mode is the different 2D and 3D view modes.
View, Show active brush: Disables/Enables view of the builder brush.
View, Show moving brushes: Disables/Enables view of mover brushes.
View, Show paths: Disables/Enables view of the navigation network.
Actors, Full Actor View: Will show all actors that have DrawType "DT_sprite".
Actors, Icon View: Will show all actors that have any DrawType.
Actors, Radii View: Will show collision and affected radius of actors.
Actors, Hide All Actors: Will not draw any actor in the viewport.
Window, 16bit: Set the color depth of the viewport.
Window, 32bit: Set the color depth of the viewport.
To the end you are able to shift between different render modes.
(Don't know if there is any other than Software or Direct3D).