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UED2 Tutorial - Texture / Walls explained

Walls, also known as polys, are sides of any brush.
A rectagular brush have a total of six sides/polys.

All sides can have its own texture and properties.

I would say that most of you know what this is so I will list
the flags you can set for each wall/poly.

Flag Specific
Invisible Removes the texture from view.
Masked The color index 0 will be transparant if imported as masked.
Translucent Players will be able to partly see through the texture.
Force View Zone Do not know what this do.
Modulated Works as Translucent but do not 'light' up as much.
Fake Backdrop Used to link the texture with the skyzone info actor.
Two Sided The wall/poly will have two sides.
U-Pan Adds sideways movement to the texture.
V-Pan Adds vertical movement to the texture.
High Shadow Detail Surface will have better light/shadow detail.
Low Shadow Detail Surface will have lower light/shadow detail.
No Smooth Do not know what this do.
Special Poly Do not know what this do.
Small Wavy Adds a wavy movement to the texture.
Dirty Shadows Do not know what this do.
Bright Corners Corners of the texture will 'attract' more light.
Special Lit Texture is only lit by lights with the bSpecialLit true.
No Bounds Reject Do not know what this do.
Unlit Texture is unaffected by lights and use its original color.
Portal Wall works as a 'zoneportal'. Is check when adding ZonePortals.
Mirror The wall reflect images, like a mirror.

Mirrored walls:
You can, by checking the mirror flag, create a wall that works as
a mirror.
Also check the "Unlit" flag as this wall is supposed to reflect light and
images, not be affected by it.
If you want to create shiny surfaces or walls that reflects images
you need to check the "Translucent" flag aswell.

You should avoid creating mirrored mirrors (walls that mirror each other)
to avoid drop in game speed.
The game engine only calculates a specific amount of mirrored images deep.
(I think it is 7 or 8).

High and Low shadow detail:
By setting the flag for either High or Low shadow detail
you can adjust how "good" the wall will look regarding lighting.
The setting also affects game speed.
If you set both options you will produce a "UltraLowShadowDetail" which
is wall detail level lower than "LowShadowDetail".

Can be used to rais gamespeed in certain areas.

U / V -Pan speed:
When setting U or V panning for your texture you can adjust the speed with a
zoneinfo actor.
Under the property 'ZoneLight' you have 'TexUPanSpeed' and 'TexVPanSpeed' that
adjust the panning speed of all panning textures inside that zone.

Textures alignment:
When you open the properties for a wall/poly you can adjust the
If you want to adjust the size and direction of the texture on the wall/poly
you need to press the 'alignment' tab.

To move the texture (panning) you can press the button 1, 4, 16, 64
for either sideways or vertical. Hold down shift to move the opposite direction.

Four buttons 45, 90, Flip V and Flip H to rotate / change the direction of the
texture. Hold shift to rotate in the opposite direction.

To change the alignment you can do so by the four alignment buttons.
They will rotate the texture to align it with the option you select.

The last section scales the texture, either with one relative value or
individual Horizontal and Vertical values.

You can change the editor mode to texture pan or rotate.
When active, you select the texture, hold down the CTRL button and either the left
or right mouse button and move the texture as you like.

Importing textures:
To import a texture you open the texture browser select file and 'Import'.
Then select the image you want to import.

This image must be either .bmp or .pcx format.
The size must be within 1 and 1024 but in the power of 2.
256x256 is maybe most used but 128x128, 64x64, 256x128 is perfecly legal.

The rendered size is however not more than 256x256 which means that any texture
larger than that is scaled which will give the texture a more 'blurred' look.

All textures in UT use a 256 color palette which means that if you import images
with more colors it will be converted without dithering.

When you have selected the texture you want to import you get a new window
with some information you need to enter.
Package - Enter what texture package you want to add the texture to.
Type 'MyLevel' to let the texture be saved along with the level.
Group - Enter which group you want the texture to belong too.
In most cases you probably would type 'Base'.
Name - This is the name of the texture itself.
Masked - Check this if you want color index 0 to be treated as transparent.
MipMaps - Creates a low resolution image of the original for antialiasing.
Should always be checked.

To save a texture package just select file and 'Save'.
The file will have the extension .utx and must be saved in the
'...\UnrealTournament\Texture\' folder.
If you use textures from custom made texture packages in your level you need
to include it with the level to allow others to play it.

Animated textures:
To create animated textures you need to import each image with the name;
[NAME]_a00 to [NAME]_axx.
A four image animation would be named;
[NAME]_a00, [NAME]_a01, [NAME]_a02 and [NAME]_a03.

[NAME] can be anything you like.

When all images have been imported they are by default animated when used.

Just make sure you use the first image in the animation sequence.
This is because the texture will only animate from the image you used, to the
A four image animation will animate 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3... if you
use the image 0.
If you use image 2 it will animate like this; 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3...

Still, there is a few properties you can adjust the animation with.
Press the right mouse-button on a texture, select properties and expand

AnimNext - The next texture in the animation sequence, 'none' to
return to the first texture.
MaxFrameRate - Maximum animation speed, can be slower.
MinFrameRate - Minimum animation speed, can be faster.
PrimeCount - Animates the texture specific amount of times before rendered.
Used to prevent possible slowdowns when the animated texture comes in view.

The properties should also only be applied to the first image in the animtion
With the exception of 'AnimNext' which you might need to adjust to get the animation
you want.

As a last note, it is perfectly ok to use animated textures anywhere you use
regular textures, on walls, coronas, water, 2D skins and so on.