UED2 Main

UED2 Tutorial - Console Commands

Using console commands is useful for alot of reasons.
Debugging and play-testing comes to mind.

This list shows some of the commands available.

Command Specific
Addbots [value] Adds more bots to the game.
Allammo You get alot of ammo for each weapon you carry.
Behindview [X] Change view to first or third person (value 0 or 1).
Demoplay [file] Show a recorded demo. Use "demoplay [file]?3rdperson for behindview.
Demorec [file] Start recording demo.
Fly You fly instead of walking (more like swimming in air).
Ghost No clipping and Fly mode.
God Render you invincible.
Killall [class] Kills all actors of a certain class
Killpawns Kills all bots.
Loaded Get all weapons (except warhead launhcer).
Playersonly All actors except players is paused (nice for screenshots).
Preferences Opens the advanced options window.
Shot Take a screenshot (same as F9).
Slomo [value] Changes the game speed (1.0 is normal).
Stat cache Show the status of the cache.
Stat fps Show frame rate in milliseconds.
Stat game Some game related values.
Stat global Overall performance values.
Stat mesh Show mesh values.
Stat zone Visible zones.
Stopdemo Stop current demo recording or playing.
Suicide Kill yourself.
Summon [class] Summons an actor of the specified classr.
Timedemo 1 Show Frame rate in second and avarage.
Viewclass [class] View from the specified class locaton.
Walk Resets Fly and Ghost modes.