Command |
Specific |
Addbots [value] |
Adds more bots to the game. |
Allammo |
You get alot of ammo for each weapon you carry. |
Behindview [X] |
Change view to first or third person (value 0 or 1). |
Demoplay [file] |
Show a recorded demo. Use "demoplay [file]?3rdperson for behindview. |
Demorec [file] |
Start recording demo. |
Fly |
You fly instead of walking (more like swimming in air). |
Ghost |
No clipping and Fly mode. |
God |
Render you invincible. |
Killall [class] |
Kills all actors of a certain class |
Killpawns |
Kills all bots. |
Loaded |
Get all weapons (except warhead launhcer). |
Playersonly |
All actors except players is paused (nice for screenshots). |
Preferences |
Opens the advanced options window. |
Shot |
Take a screenshot (same as F9). |
Slomo [value] |
Changes the game speed (1.0 is normal). |
Stat cache |
Show the status of the cache. |
Stat fps |
Show frame rate in milliseconds. |
Stat game |
Some game related values. |
Stat global |
Overall performance values. |
Stat mesh |
Show mesh values. |
Stat zone |
Visible zones. |
Stopdemo |
Stop current demo recording or playing. |
Suicide |
Kill yourself. |
Summon [class] |
Summons an actor of the specified classr. |
Timedemo 1 |
Show Frame rate in second and avarage. |
Viewclass [class] |
View from the specified class locaton. |
Walk |
Resets Fly and Ghost modes. |